The Paperboy's Sexed-Up Trailer: Five Things We Learned Watching Nicole Kidman All Over Zac Efron

Nicole Kidman, Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, The PaperboyMillennium Films

Remember hearing about a movie where Nicole Kidman pees on Zac Efron? Well, it's here.

The first trailer for the 1960s-era flick The Paperboy, which stars Efron, Kidman, Matthew McConaughey and John Cusack, has hit the web.

And while the drama garnered a lot of attention for that scene and more at the Cannes Film Festival, don't think that's all it's got going on.

Nicole Kidman cleans up nice, though

The exciting new trailer, which (unfortunately?) skips over that attention-getting moment, still packs loads of sex, violence and suspense.

Say goodbye to a classy Kidman! Here are five things we learned from the trashtastic trailer:


1. Hottest. Brothers. Ever.: Efron and McConaughey play brothers who work for the Miami Times and who investigate a murder in hopes of exonerating a Florida death-row inmate (John Cusack). The plot points are all very exciting, but we have to admit we are totally mesmerized at the idea of Zac and Matthew sharing the same DNA. When the two sexy dudes are approached by Kidman, Efron ends up falling for the cougarlicious babe.

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2. Nicole Kidman Goes (Trashy) Sex Bomb!: Kiss classy Kidman goodbye, because this babe's going full-on trashy in the flick. Seriously, think fake breasts, super-short dresses and a big blond head of hair. Nicole's a walking hot mess in this movie, and we can't get enough of the pristine star going totally tawdry!


3. Paperboys Unite!: "They're gonna save you," Kidman coos beside her paperboy crew, consisting of McConaughey, Efron and David Oyelowo. The men meet with alleged-murderer Hilary Van Wetter (Cusack) in prison, hoping to clear his name so that he and Nicole can marry. Nicole's helpers look, well, helpless and totally mesmerized by the blond vixen. And as for us, we're wondering whether Van Wetter really is a villain or victim.

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The Pape!   rboy

4. Zac Efron Sports Tighty-Whities in the Rain: Need we say more? Kidman and Efron embark on a steamy romance thatfinds Zac dancing in his soaking wet underwear in the rain. We can't decide what's hottest in this swoon-worthy screen grab but you're welcome to stare at it and decide for yourself. Oh, and you're welcome.


5. It's Not All About Sex (No, Really!): Despite the raunchy scenes between Efron and Kidman (one of which we glimpse in the trailer), the movie is first and foremost a thriller about life and death consequences. Yes, we see Zac in his underwear and Kidman in her bra, but the trailer suggests an intense plot that will keep you totally engrossed.

Sound off below with your thoughts on the flick!

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