Kidman, Urban join anti-coal movement
It appears Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have joined the anti-coal mining movement in NSW.
The celebrity couple have hung a placard on the gates of their multi-million-dollar Southern Highlands home in protest against coal seam gas mining, according to News Ltd.
The Sunday Telegraph says the sign was bought from a protest stall set up at the Moss Vale Farmers Market last month.
A photo in the newspaper shows the sign on the black gates at the front of the couple's property in Sutton Forest.
The sign says 'No coal or Coal Seam Gas'.
Local landholders are campaigning against plans to expand coal and gas mining operations in the area.
Southern Highlands Coal Action Group convener Peter Martin has told the newspaper that Kidman and Urban had spoken about their concerns regarding the proposed mining activity in the area at the stall last month.
'We sold them the sign for $20 when they visited the Moss Vale Farmers Market one Saturday morning on their last visit here,' he said.